Welcome to… The Open Valorant Circuit — an open esport league for everyone (NA Region)

5 min readNov 6, 2021
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For those of you that have not heard of OVC yet, I’ll explain all the details of here, and get you just a pumped as I am!

For even more insight you can check out the info page @: openvalorantcircuit.com

So… What is OVC?

OVC is an ENTIRELY open… season based… esport league for you dedicated Valorant players. Create a team, find players & teams, organize scrimmages, and most importantly… automatically be assigned matches against real teams.

The goal is to bring the competitive esport that we all love into the hands of everyone. No longer will competing in official league matches be reserved for the highest tear of players. For those of you that are interested in getting into the Valorant esport scene but not sure where to start, OVC is the perfect starting point for you.

All of this is done via the web application. This is where you will manage your team, schedule your matches and make your map vetos for the matches. And of course you won’t be needing to search for the matches to play… we handle ALL of that for you 😉. All you have to do is perfect your roster and grind the ladder.

If you want to jump right in, here is a link the official web app: playovc.app

Is there a minimum rank in order to compete?

Nope, there is a position for everyone. Simply gather your crew by inviting your existing friends or by using the player / team finder.

How long is this going to run for?

As long as the the Valorant esport exists, OVC will exist! This is your league, and it’s here to stay.

How do you separate the skill levels of teams?

Skill organization is handled by including ‘brackets’. Think of brackets like a rank, but for the team as a whole.

At the end of every season teams will either: Move to the winners standings, move to losers standings, or not moved at all (which means you will compete in the same bracket next season). The teams in the winners standings play the teams that are in the losers standings in the division above them and vice versa for the losers standings. So you can think of it like you are competing against the opposing team for their spot in their division.

We are open to changing how this works in the future based on community feedback, so none of this is set in stone :)

Season Structure

Here is an infographic of the yearly structure of the seasons. Excluding the upcoming //Season ZERO due to it being a beta season. Essentially it’s 1 season per quarter of the year:

Season Structure

//Season-ZERO will play out differently. The above graph is for other seasons going forward. To see how //Season-ZERO will play out, you can view the season overview

So… When does it start?

Everyone can sign up and draft for //Season ZERO (beta season) today! Once the first 100 teams draft, the season will begin. So get in quick. Currently there are ~7 drafted and ready to go… with over 50 teams that are looking for players… so get in while there are still spots remaining.

How To Participate.

(Currently OVC is only available in the NA region. One of our biggest priorities is to expand into all regions. Our goal is to be world wide by the end of 2022 🌍)

  1. Sign-up @ playovc.app
  2. Create or join a team (There are plenty of people LFT / LFP in our discord)
  3. Draft your team. It is $5.99 per player, but anyone can pay for any slot. So if you cant pay the fee, someone else can.
  4. Gather your roster of 5 and prepare your strategies 💪

🔥 Prize Pool$

55% of the earnings from the drafting fee is going back into the prize pool. The remaining will be used to grow OVC. Advertising, hiring new staff, and paying influencers to promote OVC. So 100% of the revenue goes back into growing OVC into something much bigger and higher quality for you all.

Join the Discord to get involved with the people participating

If you need help finding a team or finding players there are plenty of people searching in the discord. Discord Invite

Future plans?

We have big plans for the future for OVC and the features that we bring to you but don’t want to give away too much right now. Expect to be hearing and seeing a lot from us on all our socials. There will be Twitch streams, Youtube videos, and TikTok clips in this beta season. This is just the beginning of a long journey, and we cant wait to experience it with you all.

A word from the team…

The esport community is a fantastic one. We all have a common interest in competitive Valorant, it provides a feeling like no other. The adrenaline that you get in a 1v[X] scenario… its unmatched, and the dopamine that everyone gets when you win is an experience like no other. Our goal is to provide a competitive home for you all.

I used to be a highly competitive player many years ago in CS:GO; rushing home everyday to get online with my team, set up practice scrims… refining our strategy… and getting the adrenaline of competing provided the most memorable experiences of my teen years. Some time passed then Valorant released and I fell in love. It reignited the flame that I have for esports. So creating OVC only felt natural.

We aren’t going anywhere and have much planned for the road ahead.

Love, the OVC crew ❤


Discord, Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, TikTok

OVC Info Page: openvalorantcircuit.com

Official Web app: playovc.app




OVC brings the Valorant esport to everyone. Grind the road to pro. No longer is competing in official league matches reserved for the highest tier of players